Each of us has 12 creative powers that are fundamental to us. These are aspects of the nature of the Divine.
Understanding the true potential of these creative energies and how to engage their power leads to living a richly blessed life.
Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore, who was strongly influenced by the Transcendental movement, went on a committed spiritual search. It led him to Eastern spirituality, which he integrated with the Christianity of his upbringing. He created the 12-power system more than a century ago.
The 12 powers provide a system for soul growth. They are spiritual tools for creating a life that is, as the apostle Paul said, no longer storm-tossed by difficulties and challenges to your faith.
Our minds can be a link to God through these 12 capacities: wisdom, love, strength, faith, imagination, order, understanding, will, power, zeal, release, and life itself.
Affirmation: Faith blesses my day and paves my way.
Faith—The ability to believe, intuit and perceive.
The disciple Peter represents faith in things spiritual, faith in God.
The corresponding color is blue and the location is the center of the brain.
Affirmation: I have the strength to accomplish all that is mine to do.
Strength—The ability to endure, stay the course, persevere.
The disciple, Andrew, represents the stability that lies at the foundation of every true character.
The corresponding color is light green and the location is the small of the back.
Affirmation: I am guided by divine wisdom in every thought, word and action.
Wisdom—The ability to evaluate, discern, apply what you know.
The disciple, James, son of Zebedee.
The corresponding color is yellow and the location is the pit of the stomach.
Affirmation: I am a radiating center of love.
Love—The ability to attract, unify and desire.
The disciple is John. He represents unconditional acceptance and forgiveness.
The corresponding color is pink and the location is the back of the heart.
Affirmation: I have the power to create my world.
Power—The ability to master, have dominion and control.
The disciple is Philip. He represents power over our thoughts and feelings.
The corresponding color is purple and the location is the root of the tongue.
Affirmation: I envision good unfolding in every area of my life.
Imagination—The ability to image, picture, conceptualize, envision, dream.
The disciple is Bartholomew. He represents positive thoughts held in mind.
The corresponding color is light blue and the location is between the eyes.
Affirmation: My understanding of Truth deepens and directs my life.
Understanding—The ability to know, perceive, comprehend and apprehend.
The disciple is Thomas. He represents the ability to see beyond appearances to reality.
The corresponding color is gold and the location is the front of the brain.
Affirmation: My life is in balance and in order, and all is well.
Order—The ability to organize, balance, sequence, adjust.
The disciple is James, son of Alphaeus. He represents the harmony and balance available through centering our awareness.
The corresponding color is olive green and the location is the navel.
Affirmation: I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose.
Zeal—The ability to be enthusiastic, be passionate, start, motivate.
The disciple is Simon the Canaanite. He represents motivation and the desire to accomplish great things.
The corresponding color is orange and the location is back of the head.
Affirmation: I release anything and everything that no longer serves my unfolding good.
Release—The ability to release, remove, denounce, deny, let go.
The disciple is Thaddeus. He represents the expulsion of negative thinking.
The corresponding color is russet and the location is the abdominal region.
Affirmation: I am filled with life, sweet life.
Life—The ability to energize, vitalize, enliven, animate, and invigorate.
The disciple is Judas. He represents the cleansing of selfishness, allowing the life force to flow to every part of the body.
The corresponding color is red and the location is the generative organs.